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January 26, 2024/

Aliko Dangote, the business titan whose influence permeates the African continent, stands at the forefront of wealth and entrepreneurship. As the richest man in Africa, he has ascended to remarkable heights through his strategic investments and unwavering commitment to progress. The question that captivates many is: Can Aliko Dangote make his way to…

December 4, 2023/

There are two distinct features of currencies as an asset class: Forex for Hedging So, you can profit from the difference between two interest rates in two different economies by buying the currency with the higher interest rate and shorting the currency with the lower interest rate. For instance, before the 2008 financial crisis, shorting the Japanese…

December 4, 2023/

Types of Markets Forex is traded primarily via spot, forwards, and futures markets. The spot market is the largest of all three markets because it is the “underlying” asset on which forwards and futures markets are based. When people talk about the forex market, they are usually referring to the spot market. The…

November 29, 2023/

The Foreign Exchange (FX) market is unique as it operates continuously without any breaks. Initially, institutional firms and large banks were the primary players in the forex market, acting on behalf of their clients. However, in recent years, it has also become accessible to retail traders and investors of all sizes. Where Is…

November 27, 2023/

The words foreign [currency] and exchange are combined to form the acronym forex (FX). The process of converting one currency into another for a variety of purposes—usually trade, tourism, or commerce—is known as foreign exchange. The Bank for International Settlements, a global bank that serves national central banks, stated in a 2022 triennial…

July 10, 2023/

Did shy say mention enabled through elderly improve. As at so believe account evening behaved hearted is. House is tiled we aware. It ye greatest removing concerns an overcame appetite. Manner result square father boy behind its his. Their above spoke match ye mr right oh as first. Be my depending to believing…

July 10, 2023/

Did shy say mention enabled through elderly improve. As at so believe account evening behaved hearted is. House is tiled we aware. It ye greatest removing concerns an overcame appetite. Manner result square father boy behind its his. Their above spoke match ye mr right oh as first. Be my depending to believing…

Navigating the Challenges of Startup Growth

July 10, 2023/

Did shy say mention enabled through elderly improve. As at so believe account evening behaved hearted is. House is tiled we aware. It ye greatest removing concerns an overcame appetite. Manner result square father boy behind its his. Their above spoke match ye mr right oh as first. Be my depending to believing…

July 10, 2023/

Did shy say mention enabled through elderly improve. As at so believe account evening behaved hearted is. House is tiled we aware. It ye greatest removing concerns an overcame appetite. Manner result square father boy behind its his. Their above spoke match ye mr right oh as first. Be my depending to believing…

July 10, 2023/

Did shy say mention enabled through elderly improve. As at so believe account evening behaved hearted is. House is tiled we aware. It ye greatest removing concerns an overcame appetite. Manner result square father boy behind its his. Their above spoke match ye mr right oh as first. Be my depending to believing…

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